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registered fullblood seedstock

If you are looking for any of the following...
  • start your Devon herd, large or small, with a few heifers
  • leverage Devon bull genetics to add docility, depth, and grass conversion efficiency
  • add quality Devon female genetics to your existing herd
  • produce 100% grass-fed beef for your family or to market
  • leverage A2A2 Devon for organic, high fat, raw milk consumption
...then, you are at the right place.
Our seedstock is prepotent, efficient on grass, and docile.  Each of our devon females are genetically bred leveraging proven American, Australian, Kiwi, British, and Barzilian genetics including Lakota, Devonshire, Tirrana, Rotokawa, Tapuwae, Matahaia, Fishleigh, and Lufton lines... yet selected for withstanding hot and humid south!
Our herd is...
  • docile - routinely handled by our children; you won't find a more docile breed!
  • 100% grass fed - never tasted grain, cubes, or any processed supplement of any kind
  • hardy - productive in hot/humid, hot/dry, and wet/cold climates
  • pure - thrive without insecticides, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals
  • efficient - birthed and raised naturally; withstand periods of drought without pampering
  • beautiful -  deep ruby red coats unique to devon genetics 
Our cows are feminine with wide hips, productive, polled genetics, and our bulls are masculine, with high testosterone levels, prepotent, and proven to breed extremely large commercial herds in tough country while exceeding 50:1 cow-to-bull ratios

availability and prices

We sometimes have a select few one, two, and three year old bulls available for sale.  Our registered devon heifers sell fast and are usually spoken for well before weaning, so give us a call and plan ahead.  We love to get new Devon herds started.  Regardless of your budget, I bet we can help.

Our average sale prices since 2020 are as follows:
- registered, purebred bulls: $3986 (start at $3500 depending on age)
- registered, purebred weaned heifers: $4425 (start at $3500 depending on age)
- registered, purebred proven 3-4 yr old cows: $7417 (very limited)

We also occasionally have one or two culls we are willing to see unregistered starting at $2000.  These can be excellent purchases for commercial herds or for homestead.  These are seldom available but you are welcome to check.
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